

The optimization routines used by optim are exposed as part of the R API. This module provides a convenient interface for D programs needing to solve numerical optimization problems.


It’s probably easiest in most cases to get started with this module by studying the examples.

Objective Function and Gradient

Regardless of the algorithm, you always need to define the objective function. These routines do minimization, so if you are maximizing a function, with the most common case being maximum likelihood estimation, you need the negative of the objective function. You may also need the gradient function depending on the algorithm.

Both functions need to be marked extern(C) because the underlying libraries are written in C. We will minimize the function x^2 + y^2. The solution is easily seen to be at x=0, y=0. Aliases for them are defined as

alias optimfn = double function(int, double*, void*);
alias optimgr = void function(int, double*, double*, void*);

For the objective function in this example, we have

extern(C) {
  double f(int n, double * par, void * ex) {
    return par[0]*par[0] + par[1]*par[1];

  void g(int n, double * par, double * gr, void * ex) {
    gr[0] = 2*par[0];
    gr[1] = 2*par[1];


All optimization algorithms return a struct OptimSolution with the following data:


This is the default algorithm used by optim. It doesn’t require derivatives, and it’s robust, with the main downside being that it’s slow relative to the other algorithms.

You call the constructor with the objective function:

auto nm = NelderMead(&f);

To do the optimization, you call the solve method with a vector of starting values:

OptimSolution sol = nm.solve([3.5, -5.5]);

Alternatively, you can use the lower-level interface that is available for the rare case where you need more flexibility. The first argument is a double * to an array holding the solution, the second is a double * to an array holding the starting values, the third is an int holding the number of parameters, and the fourth (optional) is a void * that points to data used to evaluate the objective function and/or the gradient function.

double[] starting = [3.5, -5.5];
double[] solution = [0.0, 0.0];
sol = nm.solve(solution.ptr, starting.ptr, 2);

Finally, you could call the function nmmin directly, but since that’s less convenient, more error-prone, and provides no additional functionality beyond the low-level solve function, I will not write about it further. You can read the betterr.optim source file and the R API documentation if you really want those details.

The NelderMead struct contains numerous parameters you can adjust, similar to the options you set when calling optim in R.

See the help file for optim if you want more information about those parameters. intol is used to calculate the convergence tolerance. In the source code, the convergence tolerance is defined as convtol = intol * (fabs(f) + intol), where f is the value of the objective function evaluated at the current parameter vector. I believe that what is called intol in the C source is the same as reltol in the control argument to optim, because the help says “Relative convergence tolerance. The algorithm stops if it is unable to reduce the value by a factor of reltol * (abs(val) + reltol) at a step. Defaults to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), typically about 1e-8.” That is why I have set the default value for intol to 0.00000001.


For BFGS, you use a BFGS struct. The options you can set are

optimfn fn;
optimgr gr;
double abstol = -double.infinity;
double reltol = 0.00000001;
bool trace = false;
int maxit = 100;
int report = 10;

fn is the function evaluating the objective function. gr is the function evaluating the gradient. The other options are similar to those of optim. Note that the gradient function is required.

Conjugate Gradient

For conjugate gradient, you use a ConjugateGradient struct. The available options are

optimfn fn;
optimgr gr;
double abstol = -double.infinity;
double reltol = 0.00000001;
bool trace = false;
int maxit = 100;
int type = 1; // 1 is Fletcher-Reeves, 2 is Polak-Ribiere, 3 is Beale-Sorenson

The gradient function is required.

L-BFGS (Bounds constraints)

This algorithm allows you to impose bounds constraints, such that there are upper and/or lower limits on individual parameters. For this algorithm, you use the Bounded struct. The available options are

optimfn fn;
optimgr gr;
int lmm = 5; // Maximum number of variable metric corrections
double factr = 0.0000001;
double pgtol = 0.0;
bool trace = false;
int maxit = 100;
int type = 1; // 1 is Fletcher-Reeves, 2 is Polak-Ribiere, 3 is Beale-Sorenson
int report = 10;

The gradient function is required.

Simulated Annealing

This algorithm is not documented in a way that allows you to use it. After a debugging session inside the R source code, I found out what was going on, but the end user of this library does not need to worry about it. You use simulated annealing through the SA struct. The available options are

optimfn fn;
int trace = 100; // Apparently, this function treats trace like the others treat report
int maxit = 10000;
int tmax = 10;
double temp = 10.0;

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