The availability of multiprocessor desktop computers has led to the heavy use of parallel programming techniques for numerical work. One downside of embedding R is that libR is not designed to be used from a parallel program. You can forget about using this library with std.parallelism. Your program will crash and burn if you try. One reason is that R uses a global stack to track allocations. If you try to call multiple functions at the same time, and they’re all tracking the same set of allocations, your program will die with a notification that there’s a stack imbalance.
That doesn’t mean you can’t use this library in a parallelized program. It just means you have to do one of the following:
The latter is my preferred approach. Since it’s easy to work with multiple random number streams simultaneously, all you need to do is write a D program that takes the stream number as an argument.
An example Makefile line taken from a real-world program is
parallel ./simulation {} $(shell grep '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo |sort -u|wc -l) ::: $(shell seq 1 "$(shell grep '^core id' /proc/cpuinfo |sort -u|wc -l)")
That’s a bit of a mess, but the ugliness comes from automatic detection of the number of available cores. If I want to hard code it to four cores, I can rewrite that as
parallel ./simulation {} 4 ::: $(shell seq 1 4)
That calls simulation
with the first argument set to 4 (the total number of cores) and the second equal to 1, 2, 3, or 4 (this process number). Those numbers are used within my program to set up the parallel RNG and appropriately divide the work.
This is a simple approach to embarrassingly parallel tasks such as simulations.
Here’s a quick example (omitting some imports) to show how you can run a betterr program in parallel that uses R’s built-in parallel random number generator.
import betterr;
void main(string[] args) {
auto thisProcess = args[1].to!int;
auto nprocs = args[2].to!int;
// This sets the process to the value passed at the command line
// 500 is the seed, which is then the same for all instances of your
// program. The seed is 1 if you don't specify it.
prngInit(thisProcess, 500);
long reps = ceiling(1000/nprocs);
// Do whatever you need to do in your simulation
// Save the output to a file or do whatever you'd usually do with
// GNU parallel output.
To run this on eight cores, you’d compile it and then run it like this:
parallel ./example {} 8 ::: $(shell seq 1 8)