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The search for simple blogging options

I’m constantly on the search for simple blogging options that

Is this a major problem? Probably not for most people. They’re perfectly happy with a hosted option like Medium or Wordpress. I don’t like those options. GitHub Pages is great because you can edit the files in the browser. GitHub builds your site for you. Anyone wanting a website could copy the files in this repo and make the changes they want for their own blog. Further, everything can be edited in the browser using VS Code.

I’ve been working on this for a while. I’ve created other options too, including for those who run their own web server.

I customized this theme to add MathJax support: \[y_{t} = \xi_{t}\]

The theme is extremely minimal. The main drawback is the ugliness of code blocks:

print "hi"
x = 3+2;

True minimal theme