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Sometimes life gets in the way

I wish I was writing more. Unfortunately, as “they” say, sometimes life gets in the way.

There was the extended COVID sickness. Then not that long after I had that behind me, but before I had any chance to catch up, I got a different virus. That one was worse than COVID. It cost me two weeks. At the same time, my already full schedule was disrupted by some changes at home.

I know this is a first-world problem. That doesn’t mean I care that it’s a first-world problem.

The thing that’s saving me right now is the shift from a heavy teaching semester to a light teaching semester. If I had another semester with a heavy teaching load, I’m not sure I’d be able to continue. I’m very much looking forward to the summer - the lightest teaching load there is!

What a lot of people don’t understand is that the life of a professor generally includes spending large amounts of time doing things you don’t want to do. Some people have the mistaken belief that when you’re an academic, your only job is to publish. They think you can spend hour after hour contributing to humanity’s knowledge. The myth is perpetuated by a few academics claiming this is the case.

What could possibly suck about being a tenured professor? What do I mean when I tell people tenured professors don’t spend their days working on whatever they want? I’m glad you asked. Here are a few examples:

Sure, there are worse jobs, but the idea of becoming a professor to live a relaxed lifestyle is not realistic. The stress might be different from other professions, but it’s still there, with the exception of those that are satisfied with punching in, doing the required work, and punching out. Very few of us get into this business for the 9-5 work experience.

True minimal theme