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Why I Don't Use Daily Notes

The daily note is popular these days. Roam, Logseq, Obsidian, and probably a load of others offer a daily note feature. After learning about the concept, I decided to give it a try. I wanted to see if it was really as magical as they said.

After using daily notes for months (maybe more than a year, I don’t know exactly) I concluded that they don’t fit my workflow.

My solution has been to use a weekly note instead. That’s the sweet spot for me in terms of planning, managing tasks, and reviewing things. The most I ever need to review is the previous note. If there are tasks that weren’t done, they should be reconsidered to determine if they’re really worth my time. I know that if something doesn’t get done, it’ll be there for me the next day. One week is the right unit of planning for my current responsibilities. Nothing slips through the cracks. There’s no stress from failing to complete an arbitrary set of tasks that day.

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