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Limitations of D for Academic Research

D could have major appeal to academic researchers needing to do numerical computing. The alternative languages I have in mind are R, Python, Matlab/Octave, and Julia. D has some self-imposed limitations that make it a harder sell to academic researchers than should be the case.

Enterprise adoption is the clear goal of the D Language Foundation. Academic research requires a completely different feature set: it should be easy to learn, straightforward to write and read the code, produce correct results by default (even if that comes at the expense of speed), and be fast enough for the things the researcher needs to do. Speed has definitely become more important recently due to large datasets and the heavier use of computationally-intensive methods such as Bayesian inference. That’s clearly an advantage for D.

The experienced D user might be thinking that D is the perfect language for that type of thing. They’d kind of be right, but there are valid reasons it hasn’t seen massive adoption in that sector. Here are four, in no particular order:

I don’t view these as particularly difficult to implement:

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