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A strong lineup for DConf 2024

The D programming language continues to progress nicely. One sign of that is the lineup of speakers at DConf in September. I’ve never gone (most have been in Europe) but they’re always livestreamed. I actually committed to using D after seeing some of the videos from DConf posted on Reddit back in 2013. I don’t remember many details, but the upcoming support of shared libraries, and the recognition by leadership of the importance of shared libraries, was exactly what I was looking for in a fast language. I’ve been using D heavily for more than a decade with no compelling reason to switch to anything else.

A link to the schedule can be found here. Let’s look at some of the topics:

D not only continues to be healthy in terms of its core development. We’ve long had new releases of the compilers with more frequency than I care to see. This DConf is showing movement in two additional areas that we have not seen in the past: evolving the language without breaking everything, and building the ecosystem.

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