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The Joy of Mastodon

The wonderful reply guys on Mastodon. Yesterday, I posted this in case it helped someone else:

I finally figured out how to get Linux #emacs running on Windows using WSL.

You have to compile Emacs 29 with configuration option –with-pgtk. Then you can start GUI Emacs from WSL, use it from Windows, and access/modify the files on your Linux filesystem.

To which I got this reply:

Next, figure out how to ween yourself off windows, and liberate your consciousness.

What inspires someone to write something like that? I’ve been using Linux as my primary desktop for about 20 years. That doesn’t mean I never use Windows, but actually the point of my post was to put it out there in case it helps anyone else. The comment wasn’t just irrelevant to my post, it implied that I’m an idiot, and the commenter (human or bot) knew something I didn’t. Sorry, knowing how Linux works doesn’t earn you any points in 2024. Linux isn’t that hard and there are millions of Linux experts out there - they just don’t insert that fact into random social media conversations.

I also got this response:

mobaxterm is the easiest solution for running GUI Emacs in wsl

I use it to run doom emacs on my work laptop

That’s just someone trying to be helpful. Trying, but failing. The suggested approach is more work than what I posted.

Don’t get me wrong. This is way better than the nazis on other social networks. Still makes you hesitant to post information that might be helpful to others, because you’re going to get comments like this, ones that are either insulting or suggesting something illogical.

True minimal theme