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Playing with SafeRefCounted

I’ve been playing around with SafeRefCounted, a relatively recent addition to the D programming language. It has some nice features. I could see it being useful to work with/port C code.

LLMs and verifying the code they produce

There’s a lot of talk about how useful LLMs are for programming. In spite of my initial tests, which didn’t go very well, they may be right.

Fixing indentation on Emacs when using ess

I like using ess (Emacs Speaks Statistics) for editing R code. It was the original IDE for R. While there’s nothing wrong with RStudio, and I do use it for teaching, it’s a bit heavy both in terms of resources and design choices for me to use it f...

Blogging will return

Many of the blogs I used to read have disappeared. There have been numerous comments posted all over the internet saying that blogging is a waste of time. According to this story, social media makes it much easier to reach a big audience, so it d...

This is what you need to manage tasks for GTD

Quick post today on what you need to manage tasks for GTD. I hate the trend toward complicated task management tools. All you need is a few features. You can even do your task management on paper (though electronic tools work better). Low-fri...

No, GTD shouldn't take that long

This is a comment on a Reddit post. I don’t have much motivation to dump my content into someone else’s walled garden, so I’m putting it here instead. The general point being made is the same one that comes up all the time in discussions of GTD. ...

Adding an RSS feed to this blog

I finally got around to adding an RSS feed to this blog. I implemented it following the instructions in this post. You can see the implementation in the Github repo for the blog. In _config.yml, I added a title and the jekyll-feed plugin. In heade...

Using Fossil as a JSON database

This is an example of how to use Fossil as a JSON database. What we’ll do is use the tickets database to store records in JSON format, and then we’ll query those records using SQLite. The tickets database will be pushed to the remote repository an...

Disappearing links with htmx

I was genuinely puzzled by a problem with htmx, and I could not find it addressed anywhere in the documentation. For unknown reasons, the links would just not work - they’d always reload the page rather than sending a request to the server. I even...

Setting variables in htmx

I’ve been using htmx recently for an app that runs in my browser on localhost. Although I had seen htmx a long time ago, I’m not a web developer, so I didn’t care to understand what it does. As it turns out, it makes it easy to write a single page...

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